Monday, July 2, 2012

All about my iPhone

I don't know about you but I'm always a little curious to see how other people set up their electronics. So I  figured I show how I have mine set up. I keep my phone password protected not because I have anything bad on it but just incase a friend or student thinks it funny to take and send out messages or call people. 

My home screen has everything that I use all on one page because if I'm in a hurry I don't want to be reading through pages to find the app that I wan to use. So I have them all sorted by their function. Or if I use it a lot I keep the app out by its self.

For photography I use the camera app that comes with the phone but I also like to use hipstamtic, and instagram for editing and connecting with other people. I use Diptic for creating mash ups so that I have can have a bunch of pictures all on one canvas.

In the social folder I have Tumbler, Facebook, foursquare, barcode scaner, pinterest, Skype, Blogger, Viggle, and Twitter. It is great when I'm on the go and I can't sit at my computer that I can write a blog post or upload pictures instantly. I put Viggle in here to because I wasn't sure where else to put it. I use Viggle to earn points for rewards like gift cards. 

I always love to be in the know so I have an information folder with IMDb, Flixster, Shazam, Mixlogist, Goodreads, Amtrak, Istain, Weather, Inrix traffic, Maps, DrexelOne, and BrewGene. IMDb gives you the information about movies and tv shows like who stars in the show how many more episodes are slated. Flixster I use when planing to go to the movies because it shows all the movie times for your local movie theater. Shazam is the best it listens to a song playing on the radio and tags it so you can buy it later or if you just want to know the name of the song. Mixlogist is your very own bar cheat sheet so you can make great drinks. I like to take things like how many books I have read did I like the book and what are friends reading so I use Goodreads for this. I don't fly that much but I take the train a lot so I have the Amtrak app to make sure things are running on time or if I can catch an earlier or later train. Sometimes I spill things so I need to get it out so far iStain has been helpful. The best traffic app is Inrix and its free, I can't believe how well it works. I have my grad school info and email right on my phone with DrexelOne. My last app in this section is BrewGene which keeps track of the beers that I drink and ones that I like and then it suggests them to me, it also finds where they are tap near by.

Lately I haven't been as active with any of these apps, just haven't felt like working out but I need to change that.  Run 10k is a good way to get back into running, Nike+ipod tracks where you run but you have to have the sensor. When I'm connected to wifi I like using Pandora for changing up my music. Water is a great free app that tracks if you are drinking enough water and it grades you. iHeartradio is the pandora of radio. Haven't used the self workouts but I always like the workouts in the magazine. RunKeeper is just like the nike app but free and uses your phones built in GPS but it works great and cheers you on.

The last section is Waiting and this is were I keep the games. I don't have very many because they drain your battery the fastest out of all my apps. I have solitaire, Bejeweled, words with friends, nook, Scrabble, Fruit Ninja, Angry Birds, Videos, Draw Free, and another angry birds.

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